15 December 2006

Confitieria Ideal

Arrived safe and sound, finally, even survived the assasination attempt by the Air Italia steward who tried to poison me with a Tuna sandwich insisting that it was vegetarian.
Luba my hostess made it for it by serving coffee, media luna (croissants) and dulche de leche...
Found a vegan restaurant and had soya de milanese they have it everywhere here pity they couldn´t send some to Air Italia. First afternoon milonga (dance) was at Confitieria Ideal a really old classic dance hall and most of the dancers were equally as old. Spectacular authentic milonga (dance) hall. Tonight I am going to Canning and tomorrow will go to Pablo and Dana´s class (the ones who were in Sitges). Ps If you are wondering why I am putting words in brackets it is because normal people will also read this blog not just tango freaks.

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