19 December 2006

Feliz Cumpleaños

A strange thing happened today a package appeared and out popped a red, freckly, cuddly creature that wanted to be close to me. It reminds me of somebody I know but I just can´t put my finger on it...red?....freckles?.......anyway Luba my hostess got wind of my coming of age and baked me a cake - there is not much left as the red, freckly one has scoffed most of it!


  1. And... Change the profile. You're not 30 anymore.

    One little speckled frog
    Sat on a speckled log
    Eating the most delicious lunch
    Yum yum
    One jumped into the pool
    Where it was nice and cool
    Then there were no more (fr)eckled frogs
    Glob glob
