20 December 2006

La Catedral

La Catedral certainly lived up to it´s Lonely Planet write up! It is set upstairs in what looks like a huge old warehouse with the highest ceiling I have ever seen, wacky art graces the walls with a huge red paper mache (wrong spelling I know - bloody French words) thing hanging down over the long bar. Seems to be more of a hang out for the bohemian crowd than a dance place. Acoustic folk music was on until 0100 when tango took over. To add to the spooky feeling of an old haunted derelict house the storm started as we arrived and the noise from the rain and thunder almost drowned out the music as the lightning could be seen through the skylights. Not too much dancing going on here - but enough, large uneven dance floor with small puddles of water from the rain. Most people come for the social scene and of course the 1 litre bottles of beer. Oh and I almost forgot in the middle of the dance floor walking through the tangoing couples was a black and white cat, I thought I was hallucinating but apparently he lives there and likes to dance as well.

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