10 August 2008

Sicily no bags agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!

Caminato Festival, Catania, Sicily. 9 - 18 August 2008

Can lightning strike twice? Well with me it can! I arrived safely in Sicily after a long day of cancelled flights and rerouting but low and behold my bag has gone AWOL (absent without leave). History seems to be repeating itself but this time it is even worse as it is on the way out not on the way home! Luckily I had bought a couple of t-shirts at the airport as I had a strange feeling something would go wrong after the cancelled flight. The first milonga at the Excelsior hotel was danced in normal 'sneakers'... please say a prayer for me that the bag arrives before tonight's dance.
Now I am off to buy some toileteries and swim shorts but Kirsty says they only sell Speedo's here as the men like to show off their tackle - so Simon may be joining the macho Sicilian speedo club - check back later for photo evidence!

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