09 June 2009

La Milonga Del Corazón

21 - 23 November 2008 was the premier of our event la Milonga Del Corazón with special Guests Diego 'El Pájaro' Reimer y Claudia Jacobsen

The highlight of the weekend was our Grand Milonga at the exquisite venue of the Mayfair Hotel.

The arriving guests were greeted by the sound of our signature tune 'la mionga del corazón' accompanied by the popping sound of champagen corks. El Pájaro & Claudia treated us to an exhibition as they danced to Donato, Rodriguez and Tipica Victor, if you weren't lucky enough to be there on the night you can click on the video links (www.lamilongadelcorazon.com) to see the performances. After the show we brought out the media lunas and coffee to give the guests the energy to get throught the last hours of dancing. A great night was had by all!

Workshops packages were held over the weekend in both Milonga and Tango, giving our guests the chance to learn the dance of El pájaro & Claudia.
*Belén was originally booked to dance with El Pajáro but the Argentinian authorities had other ideas - so Claudia stepped in and was a wonderful substitute.

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