24 March 2008

Malmö Festival - The END

A fantastic week full of inspirational workshops and fanastic dances is over...the Malmö Tango Festival 2008 has drawn to a close. Tango of international quality arrived on our doorstep last Wednesday and we were treated to 5 days of top quality dances and dancers.
*No more deciphering the metaphorical language of Thierry Le Cocq as he explains the intricate details of the milonguero
*No more amazing dances with internation dancers of high quality
*No more delicious vegan dinners made by my imported Stockholm chef Julia and her willing apprentice Anna
*No more after milonga morning tea before bed as we sit up until 0600 chatting about the nights events
*No more Kirsty moaning about the weather, having to smoke outside and her lack of sleep
I am now in the stage of tango depression... so there is only one cure... find my credit card, surf and book... I have just booked two new tango trips Liepzig in April and Berlin in May

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