24 March 2008

Berlin Revisted

22 May - 26 May 2008
No pictures from this trip as Kirsty the procrastinator has still not managed to buy a usb cable for her camera. So for the pictures from the sailing trip on the Berlin river you will have to use your imagination.
Thursday - Spee bar 3/5
Friday - Waltzerlinks 4/5
Saturday - La GloriBeta 3/5
Saturday - Rixdorf 5/5
Sunday - Tangoloft 1/5
Great weekend included two new milongas for me, the premier of Berlin's outdoor milonga La GloriBeta in kreuzberg and also Thursday at Spree bar (Osthaufen) by the river. Rixdorf remains by far the best milonga in my humble opinion while Tangoloft just goes worse and worse the aternative music they play has now gone totally 'whacky' and if you are lucky you might get two traditional tandas, still the food is good! Next stop Buenos Aires...

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