12 June 2008

Midwinter soon

Final packing before the trip to the other side of the hemisphere, swapping the Swedish midsummer for the Argentine midwinter, one question I keep asking myself is Why? Those of you who dance know the answer, for those who don't dance start dancing or it wil remain a mystery forever.
We are staying at Cecilia's cousin's B & B 'Geronimo' in Palermo Hollywood
just a stone's throw (if you have a catapult) from Canning, Malcolm, La Viruta and not to far from Estudio Calas for the private lessons with Carolina - this is Buenos Aires so everything is relative, close here means a taxi ride in Sweden.
Tickets...check...I pod...check...tango shoes...check...camera...check...Passport...ch...where the hell is it....

1 comment:

  1. Dear Si,

    hope you'll enjoy your stay in BsAs a lot.
    Was nice to speak/dance with you again in May - so hope to see you soon in Berlin :-)

