21 June 2009

Parillilla - The Hunger Returns!

And so normal service is resumed, Johanna has got her lust for life back and her appetite with it and the cattle farmers on the pampas are dancing for joy as she is in tango heaven and back to ordering humungeous plates of beef.
I see Johanna when we come into the milonga and then at the end and maybe sometimes in the middle standing at the bar munching her way through media lunas. The rest of the time she is being whisked around the dance floor as well as being subjected to Argentinian (and not forgetting Ecuadorian) chat-up lines. Johanna has a lot of favourite dancers but some more than others. I cannot say anymore on that subject as I am sworn to secrecy, so I will just say that 'Lima' is the new 'Footloose'. All will be revealed in my tango memoirs!

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